what the f.a.q.?

=I hope this helps answers some of your questions

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Cleaning your coasters

The coasters are not indestructible. Please take care of them and they will last for as long as you care for them. 

    1. If you happen to spill coffee on the coaster, wipe up the excess with a towel or paper towel. 
    2. Then take a damp towel and scrub the excess from drying on the coaster. 
    3. Let it air dry
  2. TEA
    1. Tea spilled on the coasters can be wiped up easily.
    2. Wipe up any excess and let it dry. 
    3. If it is a dark tea, wipe excess right away. Take a damp towel and wipe it down then let it air dry.

Coaster Maintenance

The maintenance of a coaster will definitely keep make the product last longer. 

  1. Re – applying a finish.
    1. Materials 
      1. I use Varathane® Triple Thick Matte Polyurethane because I like the texture that it gives after it has cured. 
      2. 320 – 400 grit
    2. Sanding
      1. You can sand the top portion to allow the new coat to. have a clean surface to grab on to. 
      2. Make sure to clean thoroughly all the dust and particles.  I like to use a vacuum and then a cloth with alcohol to wipe it down. 
    3. Spraying
      1. You can keep the can 12″ away. Start from the top and move down as you spray. Spray from left to right or vise versa. 
      2. Keep in mind these coasters are small, so you will use very little.